Sunday, 16 March 2014

Hello and welcome

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog!
I'm El by the way. And no, that is not my full name, just a nickname because I don't really like to share my name on the Internet.
I decided on starting a blog because... well, I don't really know. I just kind of wanted to share my fangirl life with other fangirls and fanboys out there.
I don't really know where this blog is going to take me nor what this blog will actually be about. I do know that I will share a lot of random things like book and movie reviews, DIY things inspired by something you can fangirl over ect.
I know that I don't sound very organised about what I'm going to post and talk about on this blog, but if you feel like my blog would be fun to read then feel free to stick with me and read my blog.
I would like to know in the comments what you think I should write and do DIY tutorials about. I would also love if you gave me some feedback, not on this first blog post of course as it's just and introduction, but on my future blog posts.
1 or 2 new blog posts ever week, and if it's a good week it might even be three posts!
Ahah goodbye!
Love, El x

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